Fitness Bar Chocolate

Fitness Bar Chocolate. So grab a bar today. So grab a bar … Crunchy fitness ® flakes mixed with bits of delicious chocolate, packed in a bar for a nutritious start to the day. Made with whole grain, high in … Fitness® (dark) chocolate breakfast cereal bar.


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Every bar is also a source of fiber and has no artificial colors or flavors. Made with whole grain, high in … Cereal grains (48.6%) (whole grains wheat (contains gluten) (24.2%), rice, whole grains oat (contains gluten) (3.4%), whole grains wheat flour (contains gluten) (2.2%. Fitness® (dark) chocolate breakfast cereal bar.

Fitness® chocolate breakfast cereal bar.

Fitness® chocolate breakfast cereal bar. New fitness chocolate and banana breakfast cereal bar you're going to love the new fitness chocolate and banana breakfast cereal bar! Wholegrain, vital vitamins and minerals, and calcium and iron. Cereal grains (48.6%) (whole grains wheat (contains gluten) (24.2%), rice, whole grains oat (contains gluten) (3.4%), whole grains wheat flour (contains gluten) (2.2%. Made with whole grain, high in … So grab a bar …


Delicious crunchy wheat, rice and wholegrain oats with real chocolate and real banana.. Cereal grains (48.6%) (whole grains wheat (contains gluten) (24.2%), rice, whole grains oat (contains gluten) (3.4%), whole grains wheat flour (contains gluten) (2.2%. Every bar is also a source of fiber and has no artificial colors or flavors. Crunchy fitness ® flakes mixed with bits of delicious chocolate, packed in a bar for a nutritious start to the day. New fitness chocolate and banana breakfast cereal bar you're going to love the new fitness chocolate and banana breakfast cereal bar! Delicious crunchy wheat, rice and wholegrain oats with real chocolate and real banana. Every bar is also a source of fiber and has no artificial colors or flavors. So grab a bar today. Wholegrain goodness in a bar filled with chocolate bits! Made with whole grain, high in … Fitness® chocolate breakfast cereal bar.. Wholegrain, vital vitamins and minerals, and calcium and iron.

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